School-wide admin roles, limited to certain communities

  • Improved
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    Elle Cabreros
  • on 09-18-2024

This feature introduces a new "View-Only Access Admin" role, allowing users to have restricted viewing access to specific communities, while a "Full Access Admin" retains full control over all communities, settings, and integrations. Admins with view-only access cannot modify settings or add other admins.

Events - A record of student removal from group - i.e. did the student remove themselves, admin removal, student removed due to no-shows

  • New
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    Elle Cabreros
  • on 09-09-2024

Tracks whether a student was removed from a group event by themselves, an admin, or due to no-shows, allowing admins to monitor attendance reasons.

Drop-In Queue - Fast re-queue option vs. ending the drop-in

  • New
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    Elle Cabreros
  • on 08-14-2024

Provides the option to quickly re-queue a student in the drop-in queue without ending their session, offering flexibility compared to fully closing out the session.

Accessibility updates 

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 07-31-2024

Changes include:

  • Text fields and other form elements are programmatically associated with their visual label. Labels are read aloud separately from the placeholder text.
  • On the Report a Problem page, the labels are associated with their corresponding text fields.
  • The side menu can be dismissed when VoiceOver (VO) is on.
  • When selecting a tutor, VO speaks the name of the tutor followed by "major not specified".
  • Improve screen reader compatibility of "Join a Class" search field

Drop-in feedback - Custom provider questions for queue mode

  • New
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    Elle Cabreros
  • on 07-31-2024

This feature allows you to prompt students with a brief questionnaire at the end of their Drop-In session, similar to the custom feedback questions in appointments. 

To enable this feature, simply go to the admin panel, navigate to Settings > Drop-In > Feedback, and then click on "Add New Question." This will allow you to set up the qualitative feedback questions for your Drop-In sessions.

Tutor Eligibility - Add requirement that each tutors CSV row must only match one account

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 07-24-2024

Drop-in Kiosk - Change "Preferred Pronouns" to "Pronouns" and create community setting

  • Improved
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    Elle Cabreros
  • on 07-18-2024

We have updated the Drop-in Kiosk- the label "Preferred Pronouns" has been simplified to "Pronouns" to reflect current inclusive language practices better. Additionally, administrators now have the option to disable the display of pronouns, providing more flexibility in how information is presented. These changes aim to enhance user comfort and ensure our platform remains adaptable to diverse needs.

Drop-In Kiosk - Show students their enrolled courses in Drop-in mode, if they are checking in at the Kiosk

  • New
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    Elle Cabreros
  • on 07-18-2024

The Drop-In Kiosk feature enables students to easily view their enrolled courses when they check in. 

Enable this setting via the admin panel:

1. Go to settings

2. Under general settings, scroll down to "Kiosk"

3. Enable "Show students their enrolled courses on the "pick a course" screen" setting

Onboarding - Remove "no account found- click get started" message and allow the user to automatically proceed

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 06-28-2024

Show User email and SSO ID within the admin panel

  • Improved
  • E
    Elle Cabreros
  • on 06-26-2024

You can now see the email and student SSO ID on the student's account, sourced from the student metadata, or the information registered to the account.

User Account Deletion

  • New
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    Elle Cabreros
  • on 06-26-2024

Student Browser/Segments

  • New
  • E
    Elle Cabreros
  • on 06-21-2024

You can now create segments based on course or student metadata for Penji Pathways.

Admin - IT integration tab in settings - view status and turn on/off

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 05-21-2024

Help Center Article: Managing IT Integrations

Once your IT team and Penji have completed the integrations, you can manage these integrations within your community settings.

Canvas integration - Upgrade to LTI 1.3 integration

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 05-10-2024

We've upgraded our system to support Canvas LTI 1.3 integrations, please email if you would like to work through this. 

Fix for blank app loading - iOS users who have cross-fade accessibility options enabled

  • Fixed
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 05-07-2024

We've released a fix so that iOS users who have cross-fade accessibility options enabled do not see a blank screen when loading the app

Course specific hours - drop-in

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 04-22-2024

Tutors can pick times when they're open for drop-in sessions, but they can choose which courses they're available for during those times. This means they can focus on helping with specific subjects at different times. For example, a tutor might help with math on Mondays and Wednesdays, but switch to English on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Advanced all modes data dashboards

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 04-22-2024

We've recently updated our Data Dashboard with four (4) new tabs:

  • Utilization - a comprehensive view of student engagement, including metrics such as total visits, hours per student, average visits, and absences.
  • Provider Availability - insights on provider schedules and appointment booking metrics
  • Heat Map - insights on appointment distribution across various dimensions
  • Students - insights on student engagement and participation within your educational community.

Queue Mode - Update to the view students see when they are waiting for a provider in queue mode

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 04-20-2024

When students are in the drop-in queue, they will be shown their position in line. For example, instead of displaying a wait time of 10 minutes, students will see "You are #3 in line," providing them with a clear understanding of their place in the queue.

Accessibility updates 

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 04-15-2024

We've identified and updated parts of the platform to better interact with screen readers, voice-over commands, and different zooms (ex: 150% vs. 100%).

SFTP - Allow IT to test integration themselves

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 03-28-2024

Now, IT can connect to the SFTP server and test their files all through one unique set up link. This should limit the amount of emails needed to set up the integration as well as speed up the process of completing the integrations. All schools will use this new process for any updates to SFTP or any new SFTP connections.

Course specific hours - appointment

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 03-20-2024

Tutors can set aside certain times for tutoring sessions related to particular subjects or courses. This means tutors have the flexibility to specialize in particular subjects and offer their expertise during designated time slots. For example, a tutor might allocate Monday afternoons for math tutoring and Wednesday mornings for English tutoring.For example, a tutor might allocate Monday afternoons for math tutoring and Wednesday mornings for English tutoring.

Include the ended at/check out time in the school-wide Visit file

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 02-06-2024

Record retroactive session feedback

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 02-01-2024

For retroactive sessions, an admin can now leave feedback. These feedback questions are the same questions that are asked of providers after a session. Students and providers will not be prompted or given the option to leave feedback on retroactively added sessions, and the feedback can only be added when the retroactive session is logged. Additionally, adding a retroactive session on behalf of a student will not trigger the student email receipts.

Allow admin to add feedback to retroactive sessions

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 01-30-2024

Limited admin users can add skip days for recurring sessions

  • Fixed
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 01-24-2024

Events - Option to allow joining waitlist for same course as event already joined (if signing up for the event is restricted)

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 01-12-2024

This feature is conditional on the feature and will only appear if, "Allow students to join multiple events with the same topic" is set to "Not Allowed". The options here are "Allowed" or "Not Allowed". If you set this to, "Allowed" students will be able to join a waitlist for all events, regardless if they are already registered for an event with the same topic/course. For example, if a student signs up for Event A and they want to join Event B, which is for the same topic/course and already has a waitlist, they will be able to join the waitlist.

Events - send providers their Kiosk links in the confirmation emails of the event

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 01-12-2024

Providers will see the kiosk link (and QR code) in the confirmation emails, calendar invites, and reminder emails. Additionally, they can access the kiosk link (and QR code) when they are logged into Penji and go to record attendance for the event.

Events - Don't allow multiple joins per course

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 01-11-2024

If this is set to "Not Allowed", students will not be able to sign up and join more than one event with the same topic/course. For example, if a student signs up for Event A and they want to join Event B, which has open capacity and is for the same course, they will not be able to. There will be a yellow banner across the top of their screen that says, "Sorry! You must leave the event “[EVENT NAME]” before you can join this event because it is for the same topic/course.". To join Event B, the student will need to leave Event A and then sign up for Event B.

If this is set to, "Allowed" there are no restrictions imposed on students when they try to join multiple events with the same topic/couse.

Admin Provider Upload - Provision provider profile - Remove need for provider to use app before "activating" account

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 01-11-2024

This removes the need for providers to log into Penji and claim/activate their account. To use this feature, you will want to download the new provider.csv template and upload that file with your provider information. The new file has a column for first and last names. Once the file is uploaded into your community you can:

  • Add appointment hours, drop-in hours, and create events for the provider
  • Start booking appointments on behalf of the student with the provider in the create-a-session flow
  • See the provider's name on the eligibility tab next to their email

Ability to hide the appointment format buttons from the student side

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 01-11-2024

DATA - Improve data capabilities - a single export with all modes of support for all communities (campus wide)

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 01-11-2024

From the admin panel > school access > you will see a visits table. This is a single export with all modes of support for all communities (campus-wide). You can either manually download the file or set this up as an automatic export via SFTP. You must have school-level admin access to view this file in Penji.

Appointment format hours - Tag certain appt availability hours with Any or Specific appointment formats

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 01-03-2024

If enabled, this feature allows providers to specify what type of appointment they would like to be available for and when. For example, your provider can set it so that they are available for 1:1 single occurrence appointments on Monday, weekly recurring 1:1 appointments on Tuesday, and both appointment types the rest of the week. This setting can be enabled or disabled.

Note that if you disable this setting, neither admin nor providers will be able to specify appointment type preferences when adjusting provider hours. The provider will automatically be available for all appointment types during all hours.

Chat - Disable chat for school

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 12-21-2023

Chat is on by default. You have the option to hide and disable chat from users when they are on the mobile app or website (

Add unique IDs for each visit (SFTP and Admin Export)

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 12-14-2023

When reviewing Penji data (either from an automated SFTP IT export or from the admin panel exports) there is a new column titled, "Unique ID". No Penji interaction within your school will have the same ID, across modes and communities.

Timezone - Show timezone abbreviation on session placeholder cards and throughout platform

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 11-09-2023

On the admin and web platform, whenever there is a date or time listed, the community timezone is shown. Everything will be shown within the community timezone, regardless of where your students, providers, or admin, are using Penji.

FIX - Request Student Feedback - Hide session placeholder card from the student learn screen regardless of if provider feedback has been submitted

  • Fixed
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 11-03-2023

The session placeholder card will be removed from the student screen, based on the number of days feedback is allowed for, regardless of when/if the provider submits feedback

Move admin settings from Launch Plan (Penji Controlled) to Admin Panel

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 11-03-2023

Fix - Event cleanup for single occurrences and the cancellation notice

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 10-24-2023

Update to "No Account Found" message

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 10-19-2023

If a student was logging in for the first time, they were told "No Account Found", and would have to know to press "Continue" to move through the onboarding flow. We've updated this warning to make it clearer to students how to proceed through the onboarding flow.

Shown if Students log in through Email

Shown if Students log in through the Share Link, Canvas, or SSO

Forward all calendar invites to a single email

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 10-17-2023

From the admin panel (settings > general > “Calendar invite forwarding email”), you can designate an email to receive all of the calendar invites for appointments and events. Note that the calendar invites will be sent in the form of an email that you can accept, decline, or respond to as a maybe. This will allow you to see in one calendar view, everything that is going on in your community in real time. Additionally, within the calendar invite, you will be able to see location details including the online link (ex the Zoom meeting link) and the student's responses to the agenda questions.

Copy Change in the Data Dashboard

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 10-16-2023

Verbiage like "Tutor Submitted Length" now changes based on what providers (Advisor, Coach, etc). are labeled in the community.

Option to hide community from ALL students

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 10-16-2023

Within settings, you now have the option to hide your community from users on the web and mobile app platform. Regardless of if the user is on the provider or student list, they will not have access to see the community. If using the share link to access this community, and the community is hidden, the user will see a pop-up that states, "You are not eligible to view the community".

Improved/Advanced Data Dashboard

  • New Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 10-03-2023

There are 5 new charts within the Data Dashboard that we hope help to streamline your reporting and provide valuable analytics. Those charts are listed below. By December 2024, our goal is to have these charts available for all modes of support (Drop-In, Events, and Sessions. If you have any feedback on the reports or have any ideas for future reports, please email

  1. Session Composition
  2. Provider Availability (Sessions)
  3. Topic Details (Sessions)
  4. Usage Patterns (Sessions)
  5. Student Duration (Sessions)

Teach Actions - Links support similar to Learn Action

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 10-02-2023

From the admin panel (settings > general > ”Teach screen buttons”) you can add additional buttons that link out to other websites specifically for your providers. These buttons will not be visible to students. A few use cases for this feature are below:

- If your providers also have limited admin access, you could add a button labeled “Penji Admin” that links to

- If your tutors fill out other forms for Payroll, you could link that here

- Training materials or specific articles from the help center that would help your providers

- If your tutors check in students for drop-in, you could include the drop-in Kiosk Link

Admin Event List Export

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 10-02-2023

Within the Events Tab > Manage, you can export the “Export Events CSV” which contains a list of all the events in your community (past, current, and upcoming). Each event is its own row in the export and contains basic event details.

Pathways - Separate phone number for priority community

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 09-29-2023

Admin - Improve Create Session Flow (show availability better)

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 09-29-2023

Now, three options are listed in the create a session flow, “Standard”, “Retroactive” and “Override”. The Retroactive and Override options are the same as before. With standard, you can now see what the student sees for availability and are able to see when providers for a specific topic are available. This flow takes into consideration lead times, community/provider unavailable times, calendar connections, booked appointments, and the weeks ahead limit. We hope this improves the ability of you all to make appointments on behalf of students. During this flow, you’ll input a student’s name and the topic you want to book the appointment for and will only be shown providers who are available to teach that topic. Once you select a time, you will then choose a provider and a location based on the provider’s availability. If you filter to a provider or location in the availability screen, you do not have to do this step.

Helper video: 

Limited Admin Access for Events

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 09-29-2023

Your tutors will be able to adjust events. This updates any current limited admin user’s access. This is explained in the help center article linked here.

Limited Admin Access for Drop-In

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 09-29-2023

Your tutors will be able to adjust their own check-ins. This updates any current limited admin user’s access. This is explained in the help center article linked here.

"Student View" - change the copy for this link in the admin panel

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 09-27-2023

Change "Student View" to "Student/Provider View" to better indicate that this is for the student and provider view (link to

Request Session - Filter by specific provider

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 09-21-2023

You can allow your students to filter to a specific provider's availability in the booking flow. This is similar to how filter by location works. You can enable this setting by navigating to Admin Panel > Settings > Sessions > change “Provider Filter in the booking flow” to enabled.

Include student ID on the session export

  • Improved
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 07-31-2023

Add "non-course" options to the course.csv Template

  • Improved
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 07-13-2023

Events/Workshop Mode - Design and build Events mode (Sections redesign)

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 07-13-2023

We have a brand new, long-awaited Events Mode! This mode is an update to our old group model, Sections. We will no longer be updating the Sections mode, but you can continue using sections if you would like. We took all the feedback we received about Sections (positives and negatives) and used it to create Events. To enable this, navigate to settings > events > enable events.

Here is our Help Center Article, Setting up Events.

Update Default Date Range on Student History View to 1-year

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 06-12-2023

The default Date Range on the Student History View is now 1-year, vs. all of the data. You can still adjust the date range that you would like to

Fix for large imports

  • Fixed
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 06-08-2023

We've made large imports more stable so that admin can import them successfully. 

Edit the Start Time for a Drop-In Check In

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 05-12-2023

Regardless of mode (Log or Queue), you can now edit the start time of the check-in. If you are using Queue Mode, you will not be able to edit the check-in while the status is "Waiting" or "In-Progress". Editing the start time will adjust the end time, as the duration of the check-in will stay the same. You'll want to adjust the duration of the visit to adjust the end time.

"Delete" a Drop-In Check In

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 05-12-2023

Regardless of mode (Log or Queue), you can now "delete" a check-in, which will record the status as "canceled". If you are using Queue Mode, you will not be able to edit the check-in while the status is "Waiting" or "In-Progress". When you export the check_in.csv, the "Cancel Reason" will automatically include, "Retroactively cancelled".

Allow providers to bypass the set up Zoom/webex/teams pop up (navigate away from the page)

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 05-12-2023

In the past, when an online location was enabled for your community (Zoom, Webex, Teams, etc.) providers had to set those online locations up before they could navigate elsewhere in the community. Now, there is an option to skip this setup and explore the app (navigate away from the page). However, Providers will continue to be asked to set up these locations each time they log in until they are set up.

Prevent late student cancels/skip - block this action and display a message

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 05-11-2023

You can set how many minutes in advance a student can cancel or skip a session without incurring a penalty/triggering the no-show rules. A value of 0 allows cancellations without any penalty. If a student tries to cancel or skip a session within the cancellation lead time, a popup will appear letting them know that this will count as a "Late Cancel". If the student chooses to cancel the session anyway, they will automatically be marked as absent. More information on how this affects your data and student communication can be found within the help center article Appointment Settings, under the header, "Student Cancellation Lead Time Rules (Admin Panel)".

This can be set under settings > sessions > Cancellation Lead Time

Do not ask students to complete feedback if they were absent from the session

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 05-11-2023

Add the student/provider last name to the calendar event

  • Improved
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 04-24-2023

Add the scheduled duration to the Visits Table

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 04-24-2023

Eliminate the pending session emails if the community is set to auto-confirm appointments

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 04-24-2023

Previously students received an email saying “you have a requested a session” and providers received a “you have been invited” email, regardless of if auto-confirm was enabled. Now, when auto-confirm sessions are enabled for your community, both the student and provider "extra" emails will not be sent out.

Remove "rate" from the session booking flow when students confirm an appointment

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 04-24-2023

Hide student feedback requests after a community-set number of days

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 04-24-2023

As an admin, you can decide whether or not you want students to complete feedback after a session (for both appointments and sections). From the admin panel, you will either Enable or Disable this feature. Moreover, you can decide how long after the session the student is allowed to submit their feedback. For example, if this setting was set for 2 days after, the student would have two days to complete the feedback before it is hidden from their learn screen.

Note that adjusting these settings will apply to sessions that have already happened and future sessions. So, if you disable student feedback, or make the feedback submission date length shorter, past "feedback needed" sessions will be hidden from the student's learn screen.

Clarify that it's weekly availability, auto-copied each week

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 04-24-2023

Visually, we have updated the availability calendar so that it is clearer that you are setting weekly availability. We have removed the dates at the top of the screen and Sunday will always be listed as the first day.

Community Eligibility Improvement

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 04-18-2023

Previously, for a user to be eligible to access your community (when it is set to "Use List") their email needed to be included on either the student.csv (from IT or manually imported) or the tutor.csv/provider.csv. 

Now, the system will check community eligibility by looking at a user's email and SSO ID, not just the email. One of those fields on the CSV needs to match the user's account for the user to access your community. This should help in situations where users could have multiple emails, but only one SSO ID.

Update the email sent out to students when admin create a session for emails

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 04-18-2023

SFTP Import - Sync Student Details

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 04-12-2023

When student details on the student.csv are updated by IT, these changes will also be updated within the Penji system as well. For this feature, we have added a Penji Controlled setting to "Allow Users to edit their first/last name". If you would like the student file from IT to be the single source for a user's name, we will want to disable this. If you would like students to be able to edit their own names, regardless of what is on the IT file, this setting will be enabled. The default for all current/new communities is to keep this enabled. Please email if you do not want students to be able to edit their preferred names.

During the Request Session flow, when a student gets to the no times available screen, add a back to home button

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 04-07-2023

During the Request Session flow, if a student were to arrive at the "No Times Available" screen, they will now see a "Back to home" button. One of our partners during a usability study found that students were getting stuck when they reached the "No Times Available" screen. We hope this improves the student journey and helps to encourage them to look into other modes of support and courses.

Update the FAQ & Information button link on to the help center

  • Fixed
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 04-07-2023

Build school-wide student view to merge data from all communities

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 04-05-2023

We have added a school-level admin role. Now, when you log in to your community you will see the headers "Schools" and "Communities" and dependent on your access level, you will be able to click into your school. The school view merges all of the data from all of your communities into one student tab. So, you will be able to see a student's interactions within all of the communities in one place. For right now, the only function here is to view the student history. Once you have access as a school-level admin, you can add other admin through settings > admin, like in each individual community. If you would like to be given school-level admin access, email

Add the students last name to the session email receipts for 1:1 appointments

  • Improved
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 04-05-2023

From the Admin Panel, add a link to view as a student

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 04-04-2023

We now have a link in the admin panel that will directly take you to the Student View for your community! It is on the upper right-hand corner of the admin panel.

Pathways Copy Change - "Submit" on the post creation form now reads, "Schedule for [SEND DATE]"

  • Improved
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 03-29-2023

During the request a session flow, fix loading errors and timeouts for high session count communities

  • Fixed
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 03-27-2023

Add text on Provider>Manage>Import Provider Eligibility tab to let admin know that they need to reupload the tutor.csv when courses are added/changed

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 03-17-2023

If you are using the asterisk method (*) to certify providers for many courses/topics, you must re-upload your provider eligibility file to capture ANY changes to your courses/topics list, including updates from IT-imported courses/topics.

For recurring sessions, check for ALL future session conflicts - Check for sessions that'd conflict before displaying that availability

  • Fixed
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 03-16-2023

When a student goes to book a weekly appointment, if a session (1:1, group, or weekly) is already scheduled within the weekly series, that time will not be shown to students. 

The time will only be shown for single instances that do not already conflict with what is scheduled. 

Admin - Enable Sections mode from Admin Panel's Settings

  • New
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    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 03-13-2023

Allow admins to create a session for emails

  • Improved
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 03-13-2023

During the Admin Create Session flow, you can now enter a user's email that is not a school email (ex: Users will receive a confirmation email that contains the session details and calendar invite. These users will not be able to access Penji through the mobile app or website.

Pathways - Update the input form to allow for Rich Text

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 03-08-2023

Upgrade to input form to allow for rich text in the email content

IT Integrations - SFTP Imports - Ensure that the Course file is Imported before the Course Enrollment File

  • Fixed
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 03-08-2023

We have fixed the automatic import order so that the Course.csv will always import before the Course_Enrollment.csv, reducing incorrect error emails sent to program coordinators 

Improve performance of the Visit Export

  • Improved
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 03-06-2023

IT Integrations - allow for IT and manual upload of the Student Metadata file

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 03-03-2023

The source for student metadata is a collection of "custom student metadata", uploaded through the CSV file on the admin panel, and the data received from your IT team. Editing the student_metadata.csv file on the admin panel will only affect the custom student metadata that was previously imported through the student_metadata.csv, not the information within the Student Metadata SFTP Import. To manually upload custom student metadata, please review the article, Optional (Admins): Manual Upload of Student Metadata.

IT article: Optional Admins IT Integrations

IT Integrations - allow for IT and manual upload of the Enrollment file

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 03-03-2023

The source for course enrollment is a collection of "custom course enrollment", uploaded through the CSV file on the admin panel, and the data received from your IT team. Editing the course_enrollment.csv file on the admin panel will only affect the custom course enrollment that was previously imported through the course_enrollment.csv, not the information within the Course Enrollment SFTP Import. To manually upload custom course enrollment, please review the article, Optional (Admins): Manual Upload for Course Enrollment.

IT article: Optional Admins IT Integrations

IT Integrations - allow for IT and manual upload of the Student file

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 03-03-2023

The source for students is a collection of "custom students", uploaded through the CSV file on the admin panel, and the data received from your IT team. Editing the student.csv file on the admin panel will only affect the custom students that were previously imported through the student.csv, not the information within the Student SFTP Import. To manually upload custom students, please review the article, Optional (Admins): Manual Upload for Students.

IT article: Optional Admins IT Integrations

Allow admins to select an export date range

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 02-23-2023

When you go to export your session or check-in data, you can select a specific date range. If you still want to export all of your data, you can export the data without a date range.

Add responses to the custom questions (from the Agenda Screen) to the calendar event details

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 02-22-2023

The student responses to the Agenda Screen will be included in the calendar event details 

Custom Questions in the Agenda Screen (agenda for session is customizable)

  • Improved
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 02-21-2023

When students go to book an appointment, you have the option to set custom agenda questions for them to fill out. Previously, this was known as the "Topic Screen" and it only allowed for one Long Answer and one Checkbox question. Now, the "Agenda Screen" can include Short Answer, Long Answer, Drop-Down, Checkboxes, and File Upload. You will set these questions within each appointment format and you can add, edit, make required, or rearrange the questions.

Other key details: 

  • Providers will see the responses within the session placeholder card on their teach screen.
  • Admins can see the Agenda Screen responses on the sessions tab by clicking into a session or by downloading the session.csv export.
  • These questions can be answered when an admin goes through the "Create a Session" flow.

Streamlit - Payroll

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 02-21-2023

We have created a script that will output all provider payroll data into a single spreadsheet. For some programs, this is much easier come payroll time. We can give you access upon request - please let me know if you'd like this!

Include Student Metadata within the different exports

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 02-16-2023

For communities that have the student metadata integration turned on, or who have manually uploaded a CSV, the details from the Student Metadata file will be shown on the session and check-in export. We hope this helps programs with their data analysis.

Website - Penji Website Redesign

  • Improved
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 02-10-2023

Check out - we've updated our website to better showcase how Penji can streamline the student experience through communications, scheduling, and as a student CRM.

Fixed - Email session log not included in Sessions export and feedback table

  • Fixed
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 02-10-2023

Improve layout of session details on the admin panel

  • Improved
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 02-09-2023

Now when you click on a session, the session details are organized similarly to the student metadata, in a list format.

Show in session details who made the appointment (Email + Classification)

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 02-09-2023

The column "Source" will now appear on your session exports and under the session tab on the admin panel. The source indicates who booked the appointment (by their email) and through which channel. "Student" would be through the student flow (either on or the mobile app) and "Admin" would be through the create a session flow on the admin website.

Pathways - Set the scheduled send time to 24 hours in the future automatically

  • Improved
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 02-07-2023

Session Feedback - Providers can send feedback log to an email address input during feedback

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 02-07-2023

There is a new provider feedback question, "Email Session Receipt". With this, providers can enter an email address that will be sent the session receipt. This applies to 1:1, groups, and sections. Also, you can add as many of these questions as you would like for the provider to fill in. The session receipt includes:

  • Student Name
  • Date & Time of the session
  • Course (Subject)
  • Location
  • Attendance
    • For 1:1 sessions, attendance will be listed as present or absent
    • For sections and group sessions, only those who were present will be listed in the email receipt. Absent students will not be shown.
  • Duration (based on provider-submitted feedback)
  • Topic Screen Details (1:1 and group appointments only, not sections)
  • If "Share provider feedback in session email receipts" is enabled, Penji will also include the provider feedback in the email receipt. This setting is explained within, "Student & Provider Email Receipts - Sessions (Admin Panel)" below.

Sessions/Appointments - Allow students to book a weekly recurring timeslot if the original session was canceled/skipped

  • Fixed
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 01-17-2023

When a session is skipped, that time is added back to the provider's availability, allowing other students to book the provider during the "skipped" session.

Calendar Invites - Update the calendar invites to "[student fname] and [tutor fname] - [community short name]"

  • Improved
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 01-17-2023

The title of the calendar invite will now read, "[student fname] and [tutor fname] - [community short name]". This affects all calendar invites across all modes of Penji.

Calendar Invites - Update the calendar invites to include the location and course in the event description and email

  • Improved
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 01-17-2023

Within the event description and email, the course and location will be included. This affects all calendar invites across all modes of Penji.

Admin - Feature Release Log

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 01-05-2023

We've added a "What's New" tab to the admin panel. Clicking this will take you directly to our feature changelog, to review all updates. We hope this makes it easier to keep up to date with Penji Releases!

Sessions/Appointments - Add location filter during request/booking flow

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 01-05-2023

When students go to book an appointment, once they are on the Calendar of Availability screen (Pick a Time), they are able to filter down to a specific location. When filtered, they will only see available hours for that specific location. If the student filters to a specific location and then selects an appointment time, they will skip the typical location screen altogether in the booking flow.

Improved usability of the admin Post Input form (Pathways)

  • Improved
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 01-05-2023

Sessions/Appointments, Sections - Option to cancel a single session in a recurring series

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 01-05-2023

For recurring sessions, sections, and provider-managed sections, we've added a feature where different users have the option to cancel one of the scheduled sessions in the series. Previously, if you wanted to cancel one of the sessions, your only option was to cancel the entire series. 

Some highlights

  • Depending on the mode, students, providers, and admin are able to skip one in the series
  • Students and Providers will get notified when a session is skipped (no matter who skips it)
  • This is available for 1:1 appointments, group appointments, provider-managed sections, and sections (this feature works the same for all modes of Penji)

Help Center articles: 

Accessibility Design Update - Complete

  • Fixed
  • V
    Victoria Xu
  • on 12-05-2022

In October, we began rolling out color contrast adjustments to our button and text colors on and our mobile app to improve our accessibility standards and have now completed the updates. 

Admin Panel - Fixed Student search function when using "Create a Session"

  • Fixed
  • V
    Victoria Xu
  • on 12-05-2022

When the Student Imports are enabled, searching for a student in the "Create a Session" flow in the Admin Panel used to take a long time or not show all results due to the large number of students from the import. We have improved this feature so that searching a student's name when creating a session is faster. This fix relates to searching for a student by name and email.

Provider Eligibility Fix - Remove all ineligible providers from Providers Eligibility tab

  • Fixed
  • V
    Victoria Xu
  • on 11-21-2022

The Providers Eligibility tab has been fixed so that a provider will not show up in the Eligibility tab if they are not currently on the Tutors CSV. 

Appointments, Drop-in - Pick a [Course] Copy Update

  • Improved
  • V
    Victoria Xu
  • on 10-24-2022

The first screen when students go to book an appointment or search for drop-in hours used to read "Which [course] do you want help with?". The word [course] is specific to your community and could be "topic", "coach", "class", "subject", etc. We have now updated this text to read "Select your [course]". This update should help programs that are not only using Penji for tutoring, but also for advising, coaching, etc. If you would like to update your verbiage for [course], please email

Community-Specific Share Links - Launch directly into specific community

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 09-22-2022

These community-specific share links will bring a user directly into your Penji community. 

If the user isn't signed in yet upon clicking the link, they'll be asked to log in through SSO. Once they submit their SSO login credentials, they will then go straight to your community. If the user is already signed in upon clicking the link, they will go directly to your community. 

Overall, these new share links are to help reduce the number of clicks it takes for a student to find and access your community. SSO must be set up in order to use share links.

Student Metadata - Custom imported student metadata shown in student profile

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 09-13-2022

Either uploaded manually or through an IT integration, Student Metadata is now visible in the Students tab under each student's profile. This is our first release to incorporate Student Metadata within Penji, and we plan on incorporating it elsewhere for easy reporting. How to manually upload Student Metadata, and examples of where it is shown, can be found in our Help Center article, Student Metadata.

Calendar - Check for conflicts with Google Calendar

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 09-08-2022

Providers can now connect their Google Calendar to Penji. 

This works similarly to the Outlook integration. With the Google Calendar integration, Penji will check Providers' available times shown to students against their connected Google Calendar. Any events from their Google Calendar that conflict with their Penji Calendar's availability will be removed from the available time slots shown to students. We hope this will limit the need for Providers to frequently change their availability within Penji. 

Providers can integrate their Google Calendar by reading our Help Center article, Connecting Your Google Calendar.

Admin, Appointments - Edit Lead Time in Admin Panel

  • New
  • V
    Victoria Xu
  • on 08-22-2022

The lead time of a session/appointment can now be edited from the Admin Panel (Settings > Sessions > Student Session Booking Lead Time Rules).

Pathways - Dates and Deadlines

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 08-09-2022

Sections - Join waitlist support

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 08-03-2022

This is a Section Waitlist feature for admin-managed Sections. 

Admins can add a waitlist to each individual Section. Once a Section's waitlist has been enabled, students who want to join a Section that is at full capacity have the option to join its waitlist instead. This feature allows students to see all offered Sections within a community, regardless of their current capacity. 

The full feature is described in our Help Center article, Sections Waitlist.

Calendar - Check for conflicts with Outlook calendar

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 08-01-2022

Providers can connect their Outlook Calendar to Penji. 

With this integration, Penji will check Providers' available times shown to students against their Outlook Calendar. Any events from their Outlook Calendar that conflict with their Penji Calendar availability will be removed from the available time slots shown to students. We hope this will limit the need for Providers to frequently change their availability within Penji. 

How Providers can integrate their Outlook Calendar is explained in the Help Center article, Connecting Your Outlook Calendar.

Sections - Updated Emails for Section Cancellations and Confirmations

  • New
  • V
    Victoria Xu
  • on 07-25-2022

We have updated our cancellation and confirmation emails for Sections. The Help Center article "Setting up Sections" walks through the different situations when these emails appear under the header "Editing the CSV".

Admin - Limited Access Role

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 07-19-2022

This is the first version of different Penji "Roles." The next version will allow for more customization in what different types of admin users can see and do.

With this first version, Limited Admins will be able to log in to the admin website and access to the Students and Sessions Tabs. More information on what Limited Admins can see and do can be found in the Help Center article, Admins: Limited Admin Access. To enable the Limited Admin Role, please email

Admin - Edit Student and Provider Feedback from the Admin Panel

  • New
  • V
    Victoria Xu
  • on 07-04-2022

This allows you to edit, add, rearrange or make required both student and provider feedback questions from the Admin Panel. These feedback questions appear after a session. Examples of this update can be found in the Help Center article "Admins: Appointment Settings" under the features "Provider Session Feedback (Admin Panel)" and "Student Session Feedback (Admin Panel) ".

Admin - Allow admin editing of date and time for one-off session

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 06-29-2022

This feature allows you to change the date and time of scheduled sessions. 

Please note that you cannot reschedule a session with any other status (canceled, pending, or completed), and cannot reschedule weekly recurring sessions at this time. However, rescheduling weekly recurring session is on our Penji Roadmap -- we hope to release this feature soon!

For group sessions, rescheduling the date and time will reschedule the session for all other group members. Providers and students will get notified when the date and/or time are changed by an admin through an email containing the updated calendar event. Examples of this update can be found in our Help Center article, Editing Session Details.

Provider Unavailable Times - Admin editing provider unavailable times across all modes

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 05-26-2022

With Provider Unavailable Times, you can block off a certain range of unavailable dates/times for a specific provider.

For more information on how this affects Sections, weekly recurring appointments, and so on, please review the bottom of this Help Center article, How to Set-Up Providers.

Email Review - Send emails to student and tutor about drop-in after tutor submits their review

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 05-02-2022

You can control whether or not drop-in email receipts are sent to students and Providers from the Admin Panel's Settings. 

The default for this setting is Student Drop-In email receipts: Enabled, Provider Drop-In email receipts: Disabled, and Share Provider feedback in Drop-In email receipts: Disabled. These are the same default settings as with session receipts. 

More information on this feature is available in the Help Center article, Drop-In Settings.

Admin - Organization of settings page

  • Improved
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 05-02-2022
The Settings tab in the Admin Panel has been broken down into three parts: General, Sessions, and Drop-In. A full list of settings and details about them can be found in our Help Center. Some settings will be controlled by Penji and some will be controlled through the Admin Panel. If you would like to change/update a Penji-controlled setting, please email Please also include what school and community you would like the change to apply to (e.g., Appointment Settings, Section Settings, and Drop-In Settings).

Admin, Data Dashboard - Visits Table now includes Student SSO and Email

  • Improved
  • V
    Victoria Xu
  • on 05-02-2022

The Visits table in the Admin Panel's Data Dashboard now includes student SSO and Email.

Locations - Tutor Link Location

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 04-25-2022

Email Review - Send emails to student and tutor about session after tutor submits their review

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 04-11-2022

Admin - Allow admin editing of tutor for sessions

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 03-29-2022

Admin - Allow admin editing of attendance for sessions

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 03-21-2022

Admin - Edit tutor field for log-mode check-ins

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 03-21-2022

Admin - Allow admin editing of checkout time for checkins

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 03-16-2022

Admin - Configure tutoring modes

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 03-07-2022

Learn Actions - Improvements to button order customization

  • Improved
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 02-27-2022

Data - Student ID / email check-in data matching with imported student data

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 02-17-2022

Drop-In - Filter and request for specific tutor

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 02-02-2022

Onboarding - Automatically verify email from SSO

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 12-14-2021

Share Links - Launch into school SSO

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 12-10-2021

Group Sessions - Performance improvements for submitting attendance and feedback

  • Improved
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 12-08-2021

Request Session - Export for requests of additional tutor hours

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 11-24-2021

Admin - Improve scrolling in search results

  • Improved
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 10-27-2021

Admin - Create session - Allow recording past sessions

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 10-25-2021

Admin Panel - Admin created student profile

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 10-16-2021

Popular Courses - Ability for admin to pin courses to top

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 10-04-2021

Calendar - Attach calendar events to emails

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 09-20-2021

Drop-In Kiosk - Student ID entry option instead of email

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 09-12-2021

Courses - Custom course imports in addition to Banner

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 09-09-2021

Feedback - Custom Tutor Feedback

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 09-07-2021

Drop-In - Appointments remove availability from drop-in hours

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 08-30-2021

Onboarding - Complete profile with SSO attributes

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 08-17-2021

Sections - Notifications to students even if not registered

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 08-16-2021

Canvas Integration

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 08-09-2021

Admin - Admin Edited Schedules

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 07-21-2021

Tutor Location Preferences - Per availability slot location preference

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 07-16-2021

Admin - Reset student no-show status in admin panel

  • Improved
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 06-25-2021

Drop-In - Queue Kiosk

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 06-21-2021

Sessions - Auto accept

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 06-06-2021

Appointments, Drop-in - Don't send Zoom/Call link until after the tutor has accepted

  • Improved
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 05-27-2021

Drop-In - Card Reader Support

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 05-21-2021

Locations - Microsoft Teams Video Conference

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 05-17-2021

Admin Panel - Admin created sessions

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 05-17-2021

30/60 min start times (adjustable)

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 05-03-2021

Sections - End date for sections

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 04-26-2021

Drop-In - Kiosk and Log Mode

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 04-26-2021

Drop-In - GoBoard support

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 03-25-2021

Banner Integration - Automatic import of student enrolled courses

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 03-25-2021

Admin - Display full info for pending sessions

  • Improved
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 03-08-2021

Chat - Share images and attachments

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 02-22-2021

Drop-In - Ability for students to report tutor no-show

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 01-30-2021

Drop-in - Ability for tutors to message students in the queue

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 01-30-2021

Sections (SI/Groups) - Support attendance logging for students who haven't signed up for Penji

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 01-27-2021

Request Session - Multiple weeks ahead

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 01-12-2021

Tutor feedback improvements for improved group session review

  • Improved
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 11-24-2020

Admin - Drop-In Queue - View tutor tutor check-in and check-outs and comparison to schedule

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 11-10-2020

Sessions - No show notifications and rules

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 10-30-2020

Admin - Set unavailable times for all tutors for holidays, training sessions, etc.

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 10-19-2020

SSO - SSO-based eligibility to be student or tutor

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 09-28-2020

Admin - Locations - "Kind" field is now required and in-person locations should be entered as "Physical"

  • Improved
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 09-28-2020

Sections - Assign tutors based on SSO

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 09-21-2020

Branding - Add community logo to menu

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 09-15-2020

Profile - Allow graduation year in past

  • Improved
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 09-15-2020

Availability - Set lead time to request session

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 09-08-2020

Feedback - Ability to link to separate survey to collect additional session feedback

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 09-08-2020

Feedback - Long answer feedback questions

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 09-08-2020

Tutor Onboarding - Option to skip entering session availability for tutors that are only drop-in

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 09-08-2020

Admin - View CSV upload history and allow re-downloading recent uploads

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 09-01-2020

Admin - Option to receive daily digest email of tutor schedule changes

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 09-01-2020

Admin - CSV upload validation improvements

  • Improved
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 09-01-2020

Tutor Onboarding - Link to tutor application page

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 08-28-2020

Sessions - Option to allow tutor location preferences

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 08-27-2020

Courses - Search improvements for courses

  • Improved
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 08-24-2020

Open Drop-In Mode - Drop-in format without queue

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 08-21-2020

Customization - Option to relabel tutors and courses

  • New
  • R
    Ricardo Matsui
  • on 08-10-2020

Update the "FAQ & Information" button students/providers see so that it directs them to the Help Center

  • Fixed
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on

User Onboarding Role Selection

  • Improved
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on

During onboarding, there is a screen that asks if the user is there to "Learn" or "Teach". These words are not customizable. We have the option to remove this screen entirely, and each user will be directed to the student view (your "Learn Screen") for that community.

IT Integrations - allow for IT and manual upload of the Student file

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on

From the Admin Panel, add a link to view as a student

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on

We now have a link in the admin panel that will directly take you to the Student View for your community! It is on the upper right-hand corner of the admin panel.

IT Integrations - SFTP Imports - Ensure that the Course file in Imported before the Course Enrollment File

  • Fixed
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on

Pathways - Update the input form to allow for Rich Text

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on

Pathways - Update the input form to allow for Rich Text

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on

Pathways - Update the input form to allow for Rich Text

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on

Option to hide community from ALL students

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on

Within settings, you now have the option to hide your community from users on the web and mobile app platform. Regardless of if the user is on the provider or student list, they will not have access to see the community. If using the share link to access this community, and the community is hidden, the user will see a pop-up that states, "You are not eligible to view the community".