
Events - Don't allow multiple joins per course

  • New
  • T
    Talia Koenigsberg
  • on 01-11-2024

If this is set to "Not Allowed", students will not be able to sign up and join more than one event with the same topic/course. For example, if a student signs up for Event A and they want to join Event B, which has open capacity and is for the same course, they will not be able to. There will be a yellow banner across the top of their screen that says, "Sorry! You must leave the event “[EVENT NAME]” before you can join this event because it is for the same topic/course.". To join Event B, the student will need to leave Event A and then sign up for Event B.

If this is set to, "Allowed" there are no restrictions imposed on students when they try to join multiple events with the same topic/couse.